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History and revisions

Same cat chapters
  • Technical documentation: Content Items
Chapter details


The components in this chapter allow the tracking of changes, performed on a content item. Tthey also enable the revertion of the content item to one of its previous versions.

content item history

The component provides detailed information about changes of the content item. The plugins in the system, which build this component, start with com.tetracom.atlas.contentitem.history.

Important classes:

CiHistoryEntry – represents a single history event of a content item.

ContentItemPropertyHistory – represents a history record of the properties of a content item.

ContentItemRelationHistory – represents a history record of a relation of a content item.

Important services:

ContentItemPropertyHistoryProvider – generates history for the content item's properties.

ContentItemRelationHistoryProvider – generates history for the conten item's relation.

ContentItemHistoryService – provides the history details of the content item.


content item revision

The revisions of a content item are backup copies of it. The item can be reverted to any of its revisions. The plugins in the system, which build this component start with com.tetracom.atlas.contentitem.revision.

Important classes:

CiRevision – represents a single revision of the item.

Important services:

ContentRevisionService – provides the backup functionality for the item.


content item revision history

Gives information about the created revisions of the content item. The plugins in the system, which build this component start with com.tetracom.atlas.contentitem.revision.history.

Important classes:

CiRevisionHistory – contains the revision details.

Important services:

CiRevisionHistoryProvider – provides the revision history functionality.

CiRevisionHistoryDetailsService – provides the details of a created revision.